I’ve never been serious on reading books, but have recently wanted to rectify that, taking it more seriously by challenging myself to read approximately a book a month over the course of the year. This is also coinciding with a view of growth professionally, so it’s likely that I’m going to be reading through a range of books that aim to assist with and inform that growth.
So here is what I’ve worked through so far.
Currently Reading

Radical Candor by Kim Scott
I’m still early in reading Radical Candor to be able to form a complete opinion. But Radical Candor is a simple idea: to be a good boss, you have to care personally at the same time that you challenge directly. The book provides a framework for this simple, and seemingly obvious idea. What I’ve read thus far has actually been insightful and has a lot that I’ve been able to take away in how want to bring my communication skills up a notch. I can see it having a lot of influence as time passes and I have great expectations for the remainder of the book.
It’s available, as you would expect on Amazon or on Audible.
Books I’ve read earlier in the year

The Art of Explanation by Ros Atkins
Most British people will know Ros Atkins, whether they recognise his name or not. Ros goes through a lot of his techniques that brought him into popularity over the years as a BBC journalist and there a lot of value in the knowledge he shares. He has a very direct way of getting information across without being forceful, and he shares the hows and whys with us. I highly recommend this one, especially for those who are looking to learn or improve vocal presentation, whether for pitches, interviews or even getting points across in email.
Get it at Amazon or listen on Audible.

The Art of Noticing by Rob Walker
This was a book that just wasn’t quite for me. I was hoping to find something that would help take me back to days when I was designing and to see the world how I viewed it back then. Though the book wasn’t bad by any means, I do think others would definitely get something out if it. The book acts as a guide to discovering (or rediscovering) what it means to be creatively observant, and question what is behind what you see. To see beyond distractions.
Find it here on Amazon or listen on Audible.

Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh
I found this to be an incredibly insightful book that offered some very unique perspectives on how Tony Hsieh operated and what he built. It gave me a lot to think about when it comes to both customer and workplace satisfaction, and how those could be more of a factor in my own work. My current work doesn’t involve much in terms traditional customer services but the cogs were certainly turning on applying similar thinking to other areas of my work. Great book.
Like the other books here, it’s available on Amazon or you can listen on Audible.